Z – Zero Excuses. Majority of the time Excuses are the same thing as Reasons to succeed. When excuses seem to arise, don’t cave – look to them as motivation and an additional reason to succeed.
Z – Zero Excuses. Majority of the time Excuses are the same thing as Reasons to succeed. When excuses seem to arise, don’t cave – look to them as motivation and an additional reason to succeed.
Y – Yesterday was productive. John Maxwell, leadership master, has mentioned in a few of his books that he can tell how successful you will be by looking at your schedule. Was your yesterday productive, will your schedule warrant the goals you desire?
X – Xbox Evolution. When Microsoft launched Xbox 360, it was a huge leap forward. It was a gamble, however, the industry was ready and very excepting to this incredible new technology. Have the confidence to know what your working for will be just as well received.
W – Work Ethic. Help your time management by having good work ethic. Work Smart. At times work hard, but try to always make the most of the time. Working smart can take time to develop, however, prioritizing your tasks to keep high-priority and urgent assignments will make this easier. Who’s tasks are urgent, which have deadlines, which require daily effort and management? Some people color code, others number each task – whatever works for you will help. Try it out.
V - Vision. Visionaries are sometimes hard to find, however, it truly lies within each of us. Start with a dream or goal. Work backwards to see the steps on how that dream or goal will be accomplished. As you paint each of these steps to your team, keep the end dream or goal in mind. Seeing how a small or seeming un-important task fits into a bigger picture is usually a great kick-start.
U – University is Optional. Talent and Education can always be out worked. Don’t let your lack of education be your crutch; on the other hand, don’t hide behind your degree. Keep a level playing field so the hungriest will achieve.
The difference between those who accomplish and those who fall short can really be summed up in the following excerpt.
Albert E N Gray gave this speech to a group of top Insurance Sales Professionals; Successful people form habits and are willing to do things that unsuccessful people are very unwilling to do. Here’s what Gray had to say about successful people:
Successful people are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods, and are inclined to be satisfied with such results as can be obtained by doing the things they like to do.
Successful people have a purpose strong enough to make them form the habit of doing the things they don’t like to do, in order to accomplish this purpose.
Gray then responded to this question asked from the group of sales professionals, “But if I have a family to support, isn’t that enough of a purpose?”
No, it isn’t. For the simple reason that... it is easier to adjust our selves to the hardships of poor living, than to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a better one.
These truths are timeless. Although this is from many years ago – it still rings true today. One book I’ve found which helps on these topics is The Difference Maker by John C. Maxwell, the master of leadership.
T – Time-Management. Continuing from yesterday, keep a balance and be hands on, but don’t let your time be eaten up with day-to-day tasks that could be automated or managed by someone else. As you continue to learn, teach your team so any of them could fill in for you. The more respectable position a leader can be in is leading other leaders. Although this sounds like this could be “L is for Leadership” it truly will help with your time management.
Outside of your project and responsibilities, keep your life some-what balanced so you can breathe easier. Everyone around you will be relieved to see you out of the office and getting some quality “me” time. As much as you can feel fulfilled each day, don’t run ragged over making your business work and thrive. Keep up the pace, but never forget how to unwind.
S – Simple – Establish, expand, franchise. Familiar to most projects – however, the franchise aspect is usually a huge revenue source but it takes simple processes for duplication to occur. If you can serve the masses you will live with the classes. Make you idea simple enough for anyone to do and for the general public to understand.
This will also alleviate the toll on you being the glue holding everything together. If you need to be hands on with majority (or all) of the decisions, your business may be simple, but you can never remove yourself without the business collapsing. Keep it simple – become versatile so you can soon be free from the daily tasks!
R – Resilience. You will only have obstacles which you can handle cross your path. The size of your goals and dreams are determined by the size of the obstacle which stops you. Do you have a huge goal?
Q – Question, Question, Question. Never will you have all of the answers – seek help and ask the experts. Professional athletes all have coaches through-out their career. Don’t think that you will get to the point where you no longer need education or mentorship. If you were a professional athlete – that means you are retiring. Let’s hope you aren’t “retiring” your business, keep learning and asking questions.
P – Practical. The fluff and stuff is always fun, but is it within your budget to hit your goals. Sometimes practicality is not the most fun you could have, but necessary to stay focused and on track – on the Fast Track! Have the fun revolve around the goals accomplished instead of the urges to go and play. I’m not suggesting to get completely out of balance, however, balance maybe something you can’t have until you’ve reached goal number 1 or 2 on your list.
I’ve learned from a few of my bosses and mentors over the years to look at practicality as a necessity in daily life. A good rule of thumb is to look at companies who have been very successful with their IPO (initial public offerings). These companies have been very practical and investors have seen this as a viable opportunity to put their dollars behind. Typically its a good solid investment because the company is operating very lean; not a lot of excess waste or frivolous spending. I wouldn’t want my hard earned dollars being invested into a company who would go and “expense” it on shopping sprees.
Are you a good investment? If someone took a look at how you are progressing in your life, would you have a solid IPO?
O –
N – Negative Mindset, Gone. The eternal optimist is not what were going for here, its more the realist who recognizes the negative, but chooses to use negative aspects of life as reasons to continue to move towards your goals. The Negative Mindset of most, tends to find the negative in any situation. The best parts of life can be riddled with negative if you look for it. Our minds are so powerful, that we can make ourselves believe what we think is real. Don’t let yourself be plagued by this. Think positively and speak positive into existence.
M – Motivation. Negative or Positive – what will get you going? Keep moving, either chasing or running from. Obstacles will always arise, what will make you strive to overcome these challenges? Don’t let yourself plateau by staying motivated. Dreams or Nightmares, whatever will keep you going.
L – Learn. When we think we know everything, the learning really begins. Strive to always be a student. Especially with the evolving technology online, we can all be students. Personal Growth is crucial to staying sharp.
K – Karma usually ends up in all aspects of life. Mother’s have always told their kids about the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as they would do unto you.” Keep this philosophy through out your business. The more you sow, the larger you will reap. Keep investing into others, it will come back 10-fold.
J –Journey... Don’t Stop Believing. Iconic song, yes. Truthful statement, yes. Success is a journey, keep moving forward, and don’t lose focus.
As a tribute to Journey, here's the video - enjoy!
I –
In the bigger picture, use your independence to develop resilience to negative. Know that as an army of one, you can accomplish great things without the approval of everyone you cross paths with. Don’t be afraid to be standing alone facing a crowd, be confident.
H – Humble. After taking about excitement, we must talk about being humble. Excitement needs to be real and not just hype. Being trained in sales, I know that I have caught myself making things sound great when they are only good. With counsel and people around me to stay grounded I can say that communication is more realistic and I’ve realized the hype may generate sales, but the truth will establish relationships that will flourish.
Stay humble and all will appreciate it. Personally, I didn’t know that I was coming across as arrogant some of the time, it took counsel for me to understand there was a much more effective way to communicate.
G – Goals. It seems like everything reverts back to goals. While writing this A-Z list, goals, keeps coming up. I can’t help but touch on it again. My favourite story about this is the guy on the highway passing all the cars, and his wife in the passenger seat asks, “Where are we going?” He simply replies, “I’m not sure, but we’re making great time.”
Too often we get caught in the day to day tasks that seem so important when we are engulfed in them, but stepping back, we are that driver, going no where fast. How do the things you do relate to your goal at hand?
What is your goal – once established, keep it directly in front of you and refresh it when necessary. Once you’ve achieved your goal – what’s next – start the process over again. New Goal – new criteria to accomplish it.
F – Focus. Focus and the dream seem to go hand and hand. The more you desire something, the better you are at staying the course to achieve. You work ethic and immediate goal seems to be directly related to your focus. The more vividly you can see what your shooting for, the most willing you will be to achieve.
Creating a filter also helps. Do you have something set up to help you focus? Are there certain tasks which you could delegate to some one or make automatic? Each part of our life does not need immediate or lengthy attention. Keep those “other” distracting tasks to a minimum without letting them slip. I’m not saying avoid your bills because they take time out of your day, I’m saying keep them simple and pay more attention to your major or urgent assignments.